Pro-Gun argumenty (podporujuce drzanie zbrani verejnostou)

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Príspevok od používateľa Igrlik »

...prečo rastie predaj zbraní v USA?
Zopár úvah, otázok a odpovedí, štatistík, aj zaujímavá korelácia medzi rastom nákupu legálnych strelných zbraní a poklesom počtu vrážd strelnou zbraňou... ... re-booming :D

"There are an estimated 300 million legally owned guns in the U.S. -- almost enough to give one to every man, woman and child in the country, according to a recent Mother Jones study. And those are just the legal guns. The number of illegal guns here is anyone's guess.

The U.S. has the most guns per resident in the world -- by far. In fact, the handgun-ownership rate here is 70% higher than Yemen, the country that comes in second, Time magazine reports.

An estimated 47% of American households own a gun, according to a recent Gallup poll. That's up from about 42% a decade ago.
There aren't any good ways to calculate how many guns are sold each year. Still, some conclusions can be drawn by looking at the total firearm background checks initiated with the FBI (.pdf file). More than 100 million of those pre-purchase checks have been made since the system started in 1998, the FBI says.

From 2000 through 2005, the number of background checks was pretty consistent -- from 8.5 million to around 8.9 million. But background checks zoomed to 10 million in 2006 and never looked back, hitting 16.5 million last year. Those checks don't always turn into purchases -- in fact, the FBI says there have been more than 700,000 denials -- but they're a good barometer for the pace of sales. One oft-cited reason for the increase -- well publicized mass shootings -- hasn't always proved true, it seems. The number of background checks fell in the months following the Columbine shootings in 1999. But in the month after this year's shooting at an Aurora, Colo., movie theater, background checks rose 17%.
Politicians may be pausing on gun control because gun crime in the U.S. is receding. The number of murders with a firearm has been on a significant decline, from 10,225 in 2006 to 8,775 in 2010, according to the FBI. The complete numbers for 2011 aren't in yet.
And although guns are not used in every violent crime, the number of violent crimes is falling as well. The FBI estimates that the number of violent crimes per 100,000 U.S. residents in 2010 fell 6.5% from 2009, the fourth straight annual decline.
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legendarna entita Ivan z nemenovaneho image-fora

Peter Elektro
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Príspevok od používateľa Snoopee »

som zvedavy ako to amíci zvládnu. Čo som čítal reakcie na amerických weboch, ľudia v reakciách pritvrdili a žiadajú sprísnenie držby
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Príspevok od používateľa peterson »

mne z toho vychádza, že zlyhali predovšetkým psychológovia. Tých nevolá nikto na zodpovednosť...
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Ja som napísal:Na zamyslenie..

Najviac sa mi paci to posledne: "ked ti tvrdia, ze ich nepotrebujes, prave vtedy ich najviac potrebujes. "
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jedna pekna prezentacia:
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Príspevok od používateľa BTV »

Fakt pekna prezentacia. Toto by malo byt poslane aj novinarom...
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Príspevok od používateľa Rasto »

Pekna prezentacia a najviac ma potesila fotecka sportovkyne s mne dobre znamim kompenzatorom ;-)
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par zaujimavych uvah
"Nebezpečné věci" -- aneb o kultuře strachu a zakazování

Prý 'Kultura zbraní' -- co se tak zamyslet nad 'Kulturou ne-otcovství'?

Jsou problémem zbraně, nebo morálka?
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Krátky a nádherne výstižný článok od Caleba:
I am just a man with a gun
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